Friday, January 25, 2013

How to Make a Meme

... or at least have it be somewhat successful. A meme is usually a picture that is passed around the Internet and captioned with funny jokes or lolcat speak. Did you want to post a meme? Or maybe you wanted to make your own? Are people shutting you down, though? Do you sometimes see pictures like:
and feel like you'll never be able to be successful at meme-ing because everyone will just shoot you down? Well, my friends, do I have the solution for you. Here are some easy tips for making a meme successful and worth reading.

1. The first, and single most important thing, is that it needs to be funny. The punchline is what draws people in. If it isn't funny, you need to fix it. If you want people to enjoy your pictures, then you need to make them laugh. This is what the Internet is for now, to look at funny pictures of cats and read jokes all day.

2. Next, your meme should be grammatically correct. As it is only one to two sentences, or a short phrase, you should really have proper spelling and word order. Proofreading is key in this step. Look over your meme two or three times, or even have someone else read it because I guarantee that grammatical correctness will be scrutinized.

3. If you're creating a new meme from scratch, make sure it hasn't been done before. For instance, don't post more pictures of grumpy cats because there is already the grumpy cat. Research it a little bit before trying to make it popular, otherwise you won't gain any fans.

4. Lastly, try not to make it about something like religion or politics. Unless you're into Internet wars between various groups of people (or you're just a troll), avoid doing this.

I hoped this help you make a meme or at least understand them a little better. 
Thanks for reading.

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