Recently, in the news, there have been many stories out concerning Jason Collins, an openly gay athlete. The treatment and rights of the gay community are issues that have seen many heated debates in the courtroom, and now apparently on the courts. My question, though, is this: why do we care about what a man does in the private of his own home when there are people are starving in third world countries, being slaughtered with bombs and guns, and when people are dying of easily curable diseases?
If we, as human beings, care more about who someone is sleeping with than the family being senselessly murdered in their beds, than we are no better than those who are killing those inoccents. We are turning away from true issues here, life or death situations. While some religious people might say that the issue of homosexuality is life or death, I offer this: the deity you worship most likely says something along the lines of "love your neighbor." Isn't loving your neighbor allowing them the freedom to choose what they want to do with their life?
We need to band together to stop actual criminals here. Two men or two women that love each other is NOT a crime, and we need to stop treating it as one. The murderers, the bombers, the silent killers, these are what needs to be stopped. They are the ones going against everything that being human means. Shouldn't humans love each other and treat each other with respect? Respect that everyone deserves? Murderers are taking away human lives, they are cutting lives short, and all the media seems to have any interest in is a man and a man getting married. Oh, a bomb went off in Syria? Who cares, happens every day. Two women want to get married? This is front page news, right here!
I'm not saying that the gay rights issue should be taken off the table, because I believe that gays need to gain the freedoms denied to them for a long time. I'm simply saying that, until some of the other horrific goings-on in the world end, we need to push it back a bit, take it off the front page. Who someone loves is none of the rest of the world's business. Someone killing entire families and half of a city is the world's business. We need to band together to stop people that are actually violating the rights of others.
I'm done ranting now.
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